Acoustic Guitars
70s Gibson fancy rock star guitar.
Old production Blueridge D-28 copy. Solid top. $275
Harmony 000-18. Reset neck, pin bridge, Gotoh gears $250
Ugly Hohner triangular sound hole cutaway acoustic with pickup
FatDog's solid top D-28 replica $250
1950s Kay 000-size solid top. Tobacco burst; checkered b/w
binding. Reset neck and pin bridge, clean; gold sealed gears. $275
60s Harmony 000-17. Reset neck, pin bridge and sealed gears.
Solid mahogany. Bright. $250
1950s Kay 000-18. Pear
shape, sealed gears, solid spruce top. $250
Reproduction of 30s National
Bell-brass body,
chrome-plated, has a trussrod in the neck and Gotoh tuning machines. An
old associate of mine called me and said he was manufacturing these
old-style Nationals. When I got it, I couldn't believe it! It was GREAT!
And you won't believe it for $650. They're somewhat limited right
now, but they'll be sliding on through, real soon.
1920s Washburn 0-28. Brazilian rosewood. $450
Oak Parlor 0-size Wood purflings, V-neck, solid spruce top. Plays
great. $300
1960s Goyem (Goya). Swedish-built maple
D-size, German spruce top, sunburst, old sealed gears. Rich and bright
1960s Goya 000-18. $350.
1960s Goya Classic. Mahogany and German spruce top, fast and
compact. $200
1960s Silvertone Ruby Burst 000. Maple,
spruce solid top; chrome sealed gears, pin bridge. $250
1960s Harmony 000-18. Mahogany and solid spruce top. Reset neck,
Brazilian bridge patch, gold sealed gears, pin bridge. Killer sound.
Blueridge D-28. Solid top. $275
Sherwood J-200
I love this stuff. 40s - 50s Kay-built.
Sounds great. Real generic vintage. $400
1980s Washburn cowboy-style with preamp. Festival series. Ruby
sunburst, cutaway. $450
1990s Blueridge D-35. Ebony
bridge and fret board. Solid spruce top. $300
1960s Kay 0
size. Airbrushed 1/4 note designed. Bolt on neck, pin bridge. Clean.
1960s Stella 000 size 12-string. Pin bridge, 12
fret all birch. Slotted peghead. Reset neck "Lead JR."
J.D.S. Cutaway 000 size with pickup. Sealed
enclosed gears. All mahogany. Oval hole. $275
Old Mexican
Classic. Solid weird wood; play the weird classix. $60
J-200 with EQ
From Gibson's Montana shop -- really good
quality, finally.
Most J-200s were lookers; now they are up to par
for custom acoustics, like Taylor, Santa Cruz, etc. This one was from an
old teenage pal of mine from the 60s. $1900 [with pinky case]
Romanian solid wood D-18. X-braced, reset neck, pin bridge, gold
gears. Sounds like old J-50. Fat neck, low action. Made for big paws.
Blueridge Classic. Solid spruce top, mahogany.
1960s Stella 0-size. Pin bridge. Dark sunburst.
1980s Fender® D-28*. Cutaway w/p-up, spruce
and redwood. $350
1950s Silvertone 000-size. All-birch,
pin bridge. Reset neck, diamond inlays. Ruby burst, beat finish.
Hohner D-18. Plywood. $125
Traditional Martin-style acoustic guitar
This is perhaps
the best of all we're offering. Its a replica of a very fancy Martin
D-28. The top is solid spruce and its X-braced with rosewood back and
sides, inlayed with black and white bindings. The neck has old,
traditional, diamond snowflake inlays for fret position markers and is
equipped with high quality enclosed tuning machines. Even if you forget
about the fancy stuff, the sound quality is similar to instruments
starting at $600. Our price: $250
1960s Conn 12-string D-size. Big, reset, big neck. Rosewood. Big
pearl inlays. Fancy. $225
1950s Kay 000-18. Solid spruce
top, reset neck, pin bridge, gold gears. $250
Admira Spanish
Classic. Solid top. Rosewood. Clean. $200
Dooky brand
12-string.12 fret. Pin bridge. $150
1960s Standel
12-string (Guild built?). Solid spruce and mahogany. Big bridge. Big
tone. $600
1970 Guild D-18. Solid spruce, mahogany. Gold
and sealed gears. $600
Cutaway acoustic guitar
This is a professional quality
solid spruce top, modern guitar. Its cutaway allows access for solos on
the upper frets. The back and sides are mahogany. The top bracing is the
traditional Martin X-style and it comes with high-quality enclosed
tuning gears. The guitar has a transducer pickup installed under the
bridge and comes with a three-band graphic equalizer. It has a really
good sound. List price is over $600. I'm offering this at $300.
1970s Guild D-18. Sunburst with Martin thinline p-up. $650
Blonde Gruhn/Hohner 000. Maple cutaway. 1930-style, solid
top, innovative spruce bracing, snowflake inlays. $500
Blueridge D-28. Cutaway/solid top with pick-up. $400
Martin Shenandoah D-18. Refin, all solid woods. $650
Kay J-200 1953. Ornate pearl inlays. Guild bridge, reset neck,
gold Gotoh gears, mottled tortoise pickguard. $400
Ivory-stenciled tiger-stripe Stella. Pin bridge 0-size. $100
Dobro-style resonator guitar
This is a replica of a 1930s
wood body Dobro. It really has the sound -- and has the modern
appointments including a thinner, more comfortable neck, due to an
adjustable trussrod PLUS high quality enclosed tuning gears. It sounds,
plays and feels like the real thing. It comes in a brown satin finish
with chrome hardware and resonator cover. List price is about $600; our
price: $275
Stella 0-size. Sunburst, pin bridge. $100
Durango. Solid spruce top. Classical. $150
1915 0-size. Brazilian rosewood style #1218 parlor guitar. V-neck.
Good neck angle; plays great. $500
1930s pear-shaped
Kalamazoo, Gibson-built. Dark sunburst. $350
Ugly orange
Wretsch Rancher 60s. Triangular hole, triangular bridge. Goldplex
pickguard. Horseshoe.
Hour-glass Harmony 000-17
Ghost of "Lick
Mucous" these all-mahogany instruments play and sound great.
You'll cut the mustard with this pretzel bridged J-200N with elect
from Gibson's Montana workshop! $1900.
Washburn 0-28
rosewood parlor-style guitar. Solid spruce top with herringbone
binding. Very fancy pearl inlays, slotted peghead and fancy carved
bridge. The only thing is this: it was made in the 1980s (not 1880s).
1920s Palmtree decal by Regal. O-size with weird
Rickenbacker-like peghead. Woodblock purfling. Neck was reset. Pin
bridge. Plays real good. Sounds bluesy. $250.
Silvertone 50s
J-200 copy. Solid spruce top with reset neck and pin bridge.
Orpheum Leader. Solid spruce top. 1950s J-200-style.
Neck reset, pin bridge, good gears, tortoise binding. $400.
40s Kay archtop. 16-inch, like Gibson L-50. Deep body, rubyburst.
V-neck. Neck reset. $275.
string classic
Beginners need stuff, too. This is one of the
best quality entry-level instruments we can offer. Our price:
Harmony solid spruce archtop, 3-piece f-holes. Sunburst. Reset
neck. $275.
Martin 000-18 $600
000-28. $800
50s 5-18 Harmony mini-acoustic. All
solid wood. Plays great, sounds great. Perfect travel guitar.
Shortscale. $250.
Incredible handmade herringbone D-28
replica by Bernardo Rico. Steve Cropper plays and loves one of
these. Very fancy, very high quality. Twenty-five years old. Could be
$4000 in Santa Cruz but our Berkeley price is $1200.
000-size Guild 12-string. Good sound. $650.
from left: 000-17 Harmony and D-size Harmony
The Harmony Sovereign was the prolitarian D-18 -- all solid woods, but
straight braced. Real ringin' sound. $400
Dobro wood body copy. REALLY NICE. $275.
Really nice
Harmony Sovereign D-size. Airline label. Has reset neck and Guild
bridge. And BOY! does it sound good! Straight braced. $375.
Top-of-the-line Hohner D-28 copy with solid spruce top and
scalloped braces. Great value! $325.
Elvis could have played
this 50s Kay J-200. Reset neck with Guild pin bridge, old-time
tortoise pickguard. Big sound. $400.
Blueridge D-35 style.
Ebony fretboard and bridge, solid spruce top. $325.
James-style big 50s Kay D-18. Big sound, solid top with
X-bracing. You can dust it with this one for only: $350.
000 Kay and a D-size Kay (Elmo James model)
Kays had a
26" scale length, like old Super 400 and Epi Emperors. Great rich
tone. $350
Solid top D-18 cutaway by Blueridge. $375.
D-28 solid
top Blueridge with gloss finish. $275.
Horrible Kent
12-string. 12-fret neck, concert-style body. Nice pin bridge. We did
alot to try to save this one; its yours for $150.
rosewood D-size. $900.
Budget all mahogany Hohner D-17
style. Matte finish. $125.
Crappy plywood Classic
with sound hole decal. $60.
Sweet parlors: anonymous birch, Oahu 0-17, Regal 0-18,
toiletseat fretboard
We have about 100 of these. Usually have
neck reset and pin bridges. Great instruments from yesteryear. from
50s Kay solid spruce top 000-1. Neck reset, pin bridge, gold
Gotoh gears, V-neck. Straight bracing. Great for blues. Old tortoise
pickguard. $250.
Hohner HW-400. Plywood D-18. Glossy
finish. $140.
50s Harmony Silvertone. Solid top,
000-size, spruce and maple. Neck reset, pin bridge, Gotoh gears.
1950s Kay 000-size solid top. Tobacco burst;
checkered b/w binding. Reset neck and pin bridge, clean; gold sealed
gears. $275.
1960s Harmony 000-17. Reset neck, pin
bridge and sealed gears. Solid mahogany. Bright. $250.
Kay 000-18 pear-shape, sealed gears, solid spruce top. $250.
1960s Silvertone rubyburst 000. Maple, spruce solid top;
chrome sealed gears, pin bridge, $250.
1960s Harmony 000-18.
Mahogany and solid spruce top. Reset neck, Brazilian bridge patch,
gold-sealed gears, pin bridge. Killer sound. $250.
Washburn cowboy-style with preamp. Festival series, solid top,
cutaway. $500.
steel string guitar
This is a very good quality steel string
replica of a Martin D-18. Its your typical, entry-level guitar, pretty
durable and travels well. It has a solid inlay saddle in the bridge and
adjusting rod in the neck to keep the neck perfectly straight. A good
price at $125.
1990s Blueridge D-35. Ebony bridge and fretboard. Solid spruce
top. $325.
1960s Stella 000-size 12-string. Pin bridge,
12-fret, all birch. Slotted peghead. reset neck "Lead JR."
Old Mexican Classic. Solid spruce top, mahogany.
Blueridge Classic. Solid spruce top, mahogany.
1960s Stella-size. Pin bridge. Dark sunburst.
1950s Silvertone 000-size. All birch, pin bridge.
reset neck, diamond inlays. Rubyburst, beat finish. $125.
Hohner D-18. Plywood. $125.
1950s Kay 000-18.
Solid spruce top, reset neck, pin bridge, gold gears. $250.
Subway A-style mandolins. Electric or acoustic, weird colors.
10 Dulcimers that we can't sell for years! Some
are beautiful. $75-$150.
* Fender® is a
registered trademark of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation.
Ordering Merchandise
I understand your concerns about buying a guitar over the Internet. You
can't put your hands on it. You don't know what it'll look like, what
it'll sound like, how it will feel. Then there are the issues
surrounding shipping anxiety: "Will it arrive undamaged?"
"When will it arrive?" "WILL it arrive?" The
concerns go on and on: "What's the tracking number?"
"Will you ship it today?" "When will you ship it?"
"Can I get it tomorrow?"
Here are five key
points to put your mind at ease:
- Your purchase
will definitely arrive in good, undamaged condition AND in a timely
- Your purchase is insured against damage in
- If you don't like what you've ordered, you can
return it within two weeks of purchase.
- You have the option
of a full CASH refund or a trade-in for something else you like. All you
pay is the return shipping, which amounts to about $10 within the
Continental United States.
- You just can't lose.
Ecstacy" for a week with your new guitar. If the instrument is not
what you expected, then expect a full refund on merchandise returned in
the condition of purchase. Fatdog considers this the backbone of good
biz (and happy customers).
NOTE: There is no refund
for shipping.
Trade-ins are seriously considered at a high
Subway Guitars
1800 Cedar Street
California 94703
(510) 841-4106
noon til six, Monday thru
Pacific Time