Scruggs' Flatlands
Banjos & Mandolins
Updated 22 April 2006

Five-string banjo:
it had an eagle and American flag painted on the inside of the
resonator. It was too much for me, so I put in a red star with lightening bolts -- an original Fatdog "work of
art." $225
Rudge Banjo(back detail) and Ole Timely Banjo
Rudge Banjo and Ole Timely Banjo
Old Harmony Monterey
Mandocello Custom Variation
Five-course single string

A flock of Subway mandocellos.
These longscale electric mandolins have a wicked sound. The longhorn (middle) illustrates the potential for the left-handed. We've made a number of them. The redburst one (left) $225, the longhorn lefty (middle) $325, come with many permutations. We make a five-course model for a little more. The metallic blue with iridescent pickguard sports dual Ric toaster pickups, $325.
Subway Mandocello
Built from sunburst, multiple bound hollow longhorn body. 21 inch scale;
8 sealed gears; your choice of pickups. Lipstick tube or HB; wood bridge.
Special FD tailpiece. from $325
60s Framus 5-string banjo. Good tone ring, fancy resonator. Play Dixieland at Octoberfest for only $300.
Blueridge 5-string banjo. $275.
Banjo-mando. New. $225
Your eyes will BLEED from pearl glare on this ultra-deluxe 5-string banjo replica. from the 1930s. Lists for $1800, but its yours for $600.
Solid spruce top F-5 mandolin replica. Ornate pearl inlayed fretboard. Bargain. $500.
40s Kay/Kraft blonde A model. $250
5-string banjo. Good quality. $250
6-string banjo. We don't know where this came from, but its COOL! Sounds good. $225.
Dooky old Japanese mando $100
Flatiron mandolin. Sunburst. Decent. $200
60s Kay A model. Sunburst. $150
F-hole mandolin. Carved top. Sunburst. $200.
Fancy all-carved mandolin
This is a mandolin player's dream. It is a high-quality replica of a 1920's
F-5 style mandolin, constructed with all solid woods. The appointments are
beautiful; the carvings, the binding-work and the pearl inlay are remarkable.
The finish duplicates a hand-dyed sunburst found on the masterpieces by
Gibson craftworkers at the early part of the century. The list price on
this instruments is around $1200; Our price: $450
Ultra-deluxe F-5 style Gibson copy. All carved. $500
Subway A-style Mandolins, electric or acoustic, weird colors. from $225
Mexican "Tres Penis" mandolin, solid tops and woods, big teardrop with round sound hole. $200
Commie Balilaika 3-string triangular mando thing. Cool. $125
10 Dulcimers that we can't sell for years! Some are beautiful. $75-$150
Pearl inlayed 5-string banjo
We recommend sunglasses to look at this incredibly ornate pearl inlayed
banjo. Its a reproduction of a traditional 1920s-style Gibson Mastertone.
All chrome-plated with incredible pearl inlays throughout. The back of
the peghead and heel are carved like an ornate gunstock. The tone ring gives
it an incredible voice. Fitted with traditional-style planetary tuning
machines and ornate resonator. I've seen high prices for similar models. $500
Ordering Merchandise
I understand your concerns about buying a guitar over the Internet. You can't put your hands on it. You don't know what it'll look like, what it'll sound like, how it will feel. Then there are the issues surrounding shipping anxiety: "Will it arrive undamaged?" "When will it arrive?" "WILL it arrive?" The concerns go on and on: "What's the tracking number?" "Will you ship it today?" "When will you ship it?" "Can I get it tomorrow?"
Here are five key points to put your mind at ease:
- Your purchase will definitely arrive in good, undamaged condition AND in a timely manner.
- Your purchase is insured against damage in transit.
- If you don't like what you've ordered, you can return it within two weeks of purchase.
- You have the option of a full CASH refund or a trade-in for something else you like. All you pay is the return shipping, which amounts to about $10 within the Continental United States.
- You just can't lose.
"Experience Ecstacy" for a week with your new guitar. If the instrument is not what you expected, then expect a full refund on merchandise returned in the condition of purchase. Fatdog considers this the backbone of good biz (and happy customers).
NOTE: There is no refund for shipping.
Trade-ins are seriously considered at a high value.
Subway Guitars
1800 Cedar Street
California 94703
(510) 841-4106
noon til six, Monday thru
Pacific Time