Ibanez 335 $450 early Strings & Things, Schecter-like Short Scale Tele W' HB Badass Barbie Strat Blue Abalone Pearloid Strat Custom Moserite Thaing, Hollow W' P-90s - Bama Man Wanted Lefty Longhorn $350
Geeky Accordionist - 2 Custom McJags w’ Mini HBs & Soapbars
Family Of Mandocellos Mandocello w' 20" Scale $325 Longhorn Mandocello 23" Scale Length $350 Subway Mandocello W' 30" Scale A La "El Reyo X" $400 Subway Walnut Baritone (I'm not kidding or lying about this, this one really is crazy, early 60's neck, plays effortlessly) -
- Dude w’ custom walnut Baritone Jizzblaster (no foolin’, this one plays like liquid velvet buttered silk)
One piece walnut body Baritone Jizzblaster w' velveteen brazilian rosewood fingerboard A Happy Man With Fatdog's Custom Stangulator 2 white haired old men with guitars Mr Steve Gannon w' Punk Hairdo & FD's 16" Lowell, & Frank 'Paris Slim' w' 17" Lowell '64 Martin 0-16 NY original owner -
- Our JC w’ Band From Austin
Walnut Baritone by Sarah (EZ's vote: Best Baritone Of The Year) -
- Family of Mandocellos
- Early 60’s Brazillian Rosewood
The 'Family,' not Gaudi, but by CF Martin: 1961 Martin D-28, 1963 Martin 016 NY, 1965 Martin D-21 - Early 60’s Brazillian Rosewood