Frequently Asked Questions
To be perfectly blunt, I'm
fairly illiterate when it comes to a computer. I get some professional
help, but I can't really type well -- and I know this is hard for you to
hear -- but I don't want to get into it. I want to enjoy making guitars
in my spare time.
I've asked people to call me if they're in the US; you can speak to me
for ten minutes for 50 cents to $1.00 using most of those prefix
numbers. I can go through what 10 emails would do in that period of
time. Often I can inform you of possibilities you wouldn't even have
thought of yourself.
So if you're serious about business, give me a call from noon to six,
west coast time. I know a great deal of you are on your boss' clock,
you're bored at work and want to be emailing me for fun; but the other
side of it: it takes me a great deal of time to pull it up and respond.
MY ONLY EXCEPTION is if people are from out of the country or
have a special circumstance. I can't tell you how many emails I don't
answer and how many emails I get saying "I'm sorry for emailing you; I
know you can't type well and answer BUT...." Please call me. We're
talking about musical instruments worth hundreds of dollars. Fifty
cents to $1.00 is nothing to spend on a good telephone call.
The Internet is a great vehicle for offering my instruments at wholesale
to people. Usually, manufacturers get about 1/3 of list price when they
are marketed through the typical channels. I think you'd rather pay a
third of list price and deal with the Internet.
- Do you have pictures of all the guitars advertised on the
website? Will you email me shots of the ones I'm interested in?
- We don't do pictures.
Still no answer to your question?
Give Fatdog a call.
Subway Guitars
1800 Cedar Street
Berkeley, California
Telephone: (510) 841-4106
noon til six, Monday thru Saturday
Pacific Time