Music Maker Relief Foundation
The blues is a textbook, with hero-filled pages,
rife with stories grown yellow with cares.
Music Maker Relief Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the true pioneers and forgotten heroes of Southern musical traditions. Their goals are two-fold:
- to help blues artists gain recognition and
- to meet blues artists' day-to-day needs.
Today, many such musicians are living in extreme poverty and need food, shelter, medical care and other assistance. Music Maker's aid and service programs improve the quality of recipients lives. This work affirms to these artists the value of their inspiring musical gifts to the world. The mission: to give back to the roots of American music.
Music Maker Programs:
- Life Maintenance: providing grants for necessities such as food, medical needs, housing.
- Instrument Acquisition: providing quality instruments and maintenance funds to recipient musicians.
- Tour Support: providing funding and services to musicians wishing to tour and record.
- Emergency Relief: providing substantial one-time grants to recipients in crisis.
- Visiting Artist Program: inviting artists to the Foundation's home base, located in Hillsborough, North Carolina, for extended stays. Bringing an artist out of the home environment bestows recognition and provides a place of retreat for creative experimentation. Opportunities are made available for recording, performance and documentation in accordance with artists' desires. This hiatus also gives the artist time and space to discuss, in depth, their needs and aspirations so development plans to improve their lives can be formulated.
Music Maker Relief Foundation, Inc.
Music Maker Relief foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt, public charity under IRS Code 501(c)(3).
Subway Guitars
1800 Cedar Street
California 94703
(510) 841-4106
noon til six, Monday thru
Pacific Time